How to define the pattern of helicopter usage in India
Helicopters suppliers in India will be quick to point out that the pattern for civil use of helicopters in India is very different than for the rest of the globe. Bell helicopters India has been around in India now for over a decade and yet have to find the perfect solution to break into this huge but a very typical market. Around 30 percent of the civil helicopters in the world, if you remove India from the count, use them for both emergency medical services as well as for law enforcement in one way or the other. Many helicopters are also used as coast guards. However, this use in India is at best negligible. Law enforcement in India has largely ignored the potential of the helicopters in India till one day. This groundbreaking moment was when the law agencies decided to push against Maoists in around eight states of India and use their helicopters for it. Since those days, many states in India have either acquired a few helicopters or are contemplating purchasing more helicopters ...