How To Find The Perfect Private Jet Consultants In India

Only such a private jet consulting service is best that abides by the maxim ‘Bespoke is best’ for all of their activities. Searching for a perfect consultant is in many ways similar to buying a Private Jet in India. One needs to strike the right balance between several areas for both.

At face value all of them provide the same services like maintenance, repairs, inspections, hangar rentals and other concierge services. Where they differ are experience, size and costs. And just like you check each part of the aircraft before buying, each of these areas of the consulting services need to be checked before one signs an agreement.

Individual staff experience at not just large but also at small companies varies and it is important to ask. Just because a company has been around for a long time does not guarantee that they also have the most experienced staff. Also, be specific in your enquiries about the experience. For instance, find out if they have managed the aircraft that you have and if they have any experience abroad.

How To Find The Various Maintenance Services For Your Aircraft

Next, ask their process through which they carry out maintenance. Some companies outsource it to local vendors while others have in-house staff. Larger companies have an edge here as they provide discounts due to larger volumes of their orders. Though lookout if they are not marking up the costs for their profit.

Spare part discounts might be applicable to only larger companies, however, all companies provide discounts or offers on fuel and insurance. Such offers are another way to drive down the costs. But again lookout for a Private Jet Consultants who are charging more for fuel for their profits. It is always a good idea to get a direct quotation from the insurance companies and for fuel so that you may compare accordingly.

But the size of the company also makes it difficult, if you opt for a larger company, to speak directly to the real decision-makers. The size of the company can affect the time taken for say a maintenance service to make your aircraft airborne. Also, compare the monthly fees that each company charges. The costs of a private jet in India are dependent upon a lot of factors like salaries of the pilot and staff, training fees, startup fees, flight time charges, landing fees and other hidden charges. So check them all before you sign on the dotted line.


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